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Caramelized toasted almond salad

7 minutes
4 servings

Buttercrunch lettuce
Cooked beet
Slivered almonds
A knob of butter
1 teaspoon of brown sugar
3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper
Start by toasting the slivered almonds in a pan with the butter and sugar. When they begin to color, put them aside immediately on a plate and let them cool.
In a bowl, prepare the vinaigrette by mixing the mustard with the oil and vinegar, add salt and pepper and set aside.
In a salad bowl, put the washed and wrung out lettuce and the beet cut into strips. Pour in the vinaigrette and mix well. Sprinkle with caramelized toasted almonds and stir lightly to put just a little in the middle of the dish. Serve immediately!
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